

there is the Active Player, and a Controlling Player. An Active Player is the player that is currently Controlling the Primary target and facing the Dungeon’s Retaliation. A Controlling Player is the owner of a particular card whether it is an Adventurer or a Tactic card.

Awesome, this is a useful terminology clarification for our discussion (I was off track).

So, some examples please to check my understanding (fingers crossed, I think I’ve got it now!), RE a 2 player coop game, with cards played on round 1 of the game by the non-active player (let’s call them player B)

‘Full plate Armor’ Equipment card: uses 3 equipment resources and contributes +4 stamina this round, and also on the subsequent round (when it is discarded during player Bs Step 4 of round 2). It may be boosted during either or both rounds.

‘Brawling’ Skill card: uses 2 skill resources every round until spent (only the controlling player may spend the card).

‘Close call’ Tactics card: uses 3 tactics resources and ends round 1 with no more wounds dealt. In round 2 the 3 tactics resources are again used, and the players may agree on when to end the encounter in round 2 (e.g. after the adventurers deliver a wound); it is discarded at the end of round 2. It may be boosted during either or both rounds.

‘Fireball’ Magic card: uses 2 magic resources and contributes +4 melee power this round, and also on the subsequent round 2 (it is discarded during player Bs Step 4 of round 2).

Incidentally, I notice that the specific coop rules document on the DC website (Core rules Vol.3) has a different sequence of play which is more similar to the standard solo rules, where all players reset their cards/resources at the end of each turn. Are the coop rules in the new complete revised rules intended to take a different approach?